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Difference between die cutting machine and digital cutting machine
Views: 1 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-07-01 Origin: Site
Die cutting
In the printing industry, die-cutting provides a fast and inexpensive way to cut a large number of printed products into the same shape. The artwork is printed on a square or rectangular piece of material (usually paper or cardstock) and then placed on a machine with a customized "die" or "punch block" (a wooden block with a metal blade), Then bend and fold into the desired shape). When the machine presses the plate and the mold together, it cuts the shape of the blade into the material.
Digital cutting
Unlike die cutting, which uses a physical mold to create the shape, digital cutting uses a blade to follow a computer-programmed path to create the shape. The digital tool consists of a flat area and a set of cutting, milling and scribing accessories mounted on the arm. This arm allows the cutting machine to move left, right, forward and backward. Place a printed piece of paper on the worktable, and the cutting machine will cut out shapes along a programmed path through the paper.
Which is the better choice?
How to choose between two cutting schemes? The simplest answer is, "It all depends on the type of work. If you want to trim a large number of smaller items printed on paper or card stock, die cutting is a more cost-effective and time-effective option. Once the mold is assembled, you can Use it again and again to create a large number of the same shapes-all in a fraction of the time of a digital cutter. This means that the cost of assembling a custom mold can be achieved by using it for a large number of projects (and/or using it Reuse in future additional print runs) and offset.
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